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What's happening in Andernach? Where are there events to attend? What's new at the Parkhotel? Always stay up to date. Don't miss anything! Here you will find attractive offers and arrangements. Announcements of cultural events. New ideas for culinary evenings. Tips for hiking and cycling tours. Check back often. Get the latest news. There is bound to be something interesting for you.

Customer testimonials

Honest reviews from our guests

Super ambience! In addition, the staff is very accommodating and the menu is good.
The room had a beautiful view of the Rhine. We were able to experience beautiful hours. The food was also unique. All in all - the hotel is highly recommended.
Nice location and perfect rooms! And really nice people at the reception!
Nice hotel with friendly staff, delicious food and fantastic view of the Rhine.

Awards & Partnerships

Varta Guide
Walkable Germany
Slumber atlas
Dream paths
Parkhotel Andernach
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Parkhotel Andernach
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Parkhotel Andernach
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Parkhotel Andernach
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